CPDP Panel: Intelligence Oversight 4.0?

Intelligence Oversight 4.0? Options for Innovation

Intelligence agencies are constantly on the move to deploy cutting-edge technology in their daily operations. Oversight bodies far less so. Against the backdrop of modern surveillance technology converging across different branches of government, the CPDP panel in Brussels debated whether, and how, the adaptation of new supervisory technology could revolutionize intelligence oversight. The audience learned how oversight bodies are now experimenting with new review mechanisms and control instruments driven by automation and big data analytics. The panelists brought their different perspectives to bear when debating options for more tech-enabled intelligence oversight. This included reflection on the use of artificial intelligence in supervisory technology as a means to close growing information asymmetries and to ensure greater legitimacy of modern intelligence governance. The panel discussed:

The panelists:

The discussion was organized and moderated by GUARDINT team member Dr. Thorsten Wetzling (SNV).

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As a world-leading multidisciplinary conference CPDP offers the cutting edge in legal, regulatory, academic and technological development in privacy and data protection. Within an atmosphere of independence and mutual respect, CPDP gathers academics, lawyers, practitioners, policymakers, industry and civil society from all over the world in Brussels, offering them an arena to exchange ideas and discuss the latest emerging issues and trends.